Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Elk Sign

A tiny plastic elk pauses before a sign in an otherwise empty store window on Lark Street.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Santa Speedo Sprint 2015

Yes, it's that lovely time of year when a crowd of scantily-dressed revelers race down Lark Street for charity.  It was unseasonably warm yesterday so no one froze their unmentionables.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

The Fallen Tree

After a rather hectic week, I took the first opportunity to wander through the Albany Rural Cemetery on an unseasonably warm day (there were butterflies and bees out and about in mid-December).  Research and the quest for an "ancient" white oak identified on a late 19th-century map were cut short by a nearly dead camera battery, but I did manage to find the lot owned by the old Church of the Holy Innocents just beyond this massive fallen tree.

To give an idea of how big that tree is, I could've walked beneath it without grazing the top of my green cap.

This is a fairly remote back corner of the Rural;  down a grassy path where, in the summer, you'll find milkweeds, monarch butterflies, and a bit of mid.  There are several church and charity plots back here, unmarked, but interesting.

P.S. If you'd like to support the Cemetery's Annual Fund, click here.